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The Mindful Body Reset

10 Day Ayurvedic Lifestyle Cleanse

Begins October 22nd


Cleansing during the Fall season is a way to release excess heat that has accumulated in the body from a long Summer. This seasonal transition can stir up scattered emotions of anxiety and a frazzled nervous system. Stiff and achy joints, dry skin, constipation, bloating, and digestive weakness are all physical signs from the body, letting you know it needs some extra support. This Fall home reset is about releasing excess heat, strengthening our digestive system, nourishing our tissues, and revitalizing our minds and vitality for the Winter ahead. Many modern-day cleanses tend to focus on extreme methods that deplete our bodies. An Ayurvedic lifestyle cleanse resets our whole system that is safe, restoring, and effective. 


During this 10-day reset, learn new practices and habits that will nourish you with Fall’s rhythm. With a step-by-step cleanse guidebook, seasonal recipe manual, live introductory meeting, and continued support, you’ll learn how to elevate your gut health, your well-being, and build your own Ayurvedic lifestyle. 

Here's what you'll receive: 


  • One live and recorded introductory meeting and Q&A with your guide, Samantha, who will guide you through each phase of the 10 days


  • One live and recorded mindful strength-based yoga class


  • A cleanse program with a step-by-step plan, seasonal recipes, meal planner, and well-being practices 


  • Blank shopping list, journaling prompts, daily planner worksheets, and wellness resources


  • Sound Healing audio meditation


  • Unlimited email support


  • Private community group chat through WhatsApp


Phase I

In this phase, you will begin to simplify your diet, incorporate self-care practices, and gather all of the supplies needed to prepare for the deeper cleanse

in Phase II.


Phase II

In this phase, you have a 4 day Ayurvedic Kitchari cleanse and a daily routine to boost your digestion, give your system a rest and balance your

inner ecosystem.


Phase III/ IV

In this phase, you will focus on rebuilding your diet and incorporating rejuvenating herbs and foods to nourish your tissues post-cleanse. Integrating everything you’ve learned to shift into a new season for balanced health and well-being.

Join The Mindful Body Reset today

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What is an Ayurvedic cleanse?

One of the main purposes of this cleanse is to restore our digestive health. Ayurveda calls this process, Agni. Agni means “fire”, and in this case our metabolic fire, which is the ability to digest what we consume. Modern science recognizes this as the enzymatic function of breaking down our food to then be passed into our small intestines for assimilation and absorption. This is how food nourishes our tissues. If we have a weakened digestive fire, undigested food will be passed into our intestines. This will allow for metabolic toxins, or ama, to manifest and create digestive symptoms such as gas, bloating, bowel issues, and indigestion. The further we ignore these signs the deeper this waste will impact other systems such as the skin, hormones, liver, brain, and reproductive health. As you can see, our Agni plays a large role in our long-term health. A simple way to improve our digestion is to eat lightly for a short period. This lifestyle cleanse uses Ayurvedic principles to help you get back into your body, and give you tools for boosting digestion through a healing diet, and holistic rituals for a balanced body, mind, and spirit. Within this 10-day home cleanse, you will gain knowledge of this ancient wisdom of nutrition and seasonal wellness that will guide you in your home cleanse. You will also learn a home yoga practice to balance your mind and body during this Vata season and receive a signing bowl meditation to take with you beyond the cleanse. By the end, you will feel more restored, grounded, clear-minded, and strong for the new season. 


What is Kitchari?

Kitchari is a cleansing and nourishing meal consisting of mung beans, rice, and spices. This meal is a simple one-pot stew that enhances our metabolism and restores the gut microbiome. What makes this dish medicinal is its ability to improve our digestion and restore the lining of our intestines. Because it is easy to digest, it allows the body to use less energy on digestive functions, and more on clearing ama (metabolic toxins) from the body. The combination of mung beans and rice makes this dish a complete protein, meaning you will receive enough nutrients to sustain a restful day. Spices such as ginger, cumin, fennel, coriander, and turmeric are anti-inflammatory, cleanse the blood, and improve Agni. You will find this meal will become a staple beyond the cleanse (many refer to this dish as the “chicken soup” of Ayurvedic meals). 


Do I need any special kitchen tools?

The main tools you will need are some cooking pots, a good kitchen knife, a sieve or colander, an oven, a stovetop, and yourself. There are some recipes I offer that require a blender, or spice grinder, however, these are optional and not required. 


Do I have to start on the timeline?

No,  you do not have to follow the date outlined by the group program. I understand most of us have busy lives, travel plans, or you can’t make the live sessions. All of the meetings are recorded, and you’ll have access to go at your own pace. Once you receive your guidebook and materials, you have until December 17th to complete.


Do you offer payment plans?

Yes, contact us if you need a payment plan option.



Full refunds will be available until October 18th, after this date, all purchases will be nonrefundable. 

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